Sakura, ricordando gli eventi passati del Team 7 e di come si fosse sempre affidata a Naruto e Sasuke anziché a sé stessa, raggiunge la massima potenza, attivando lo stesso sigillo Yin delle 100 Forze di Tsunade. After Naruto arrived and defeated Kakuzu, Chōji returned to Konoha with the rest of his team, noting that Naruto defeating Kakuzu made him "cool", even if not as much so as Shikamaru. He has spiky, brown hair that sticks upward in Part I and grows to waist-length in Part II. Ciò diede a Choji una piccola speranza ma alla fine non gli fu comunque permesso di giocare. Nella seconda parte del manga, Choji è diventato più grande, porta i capelli molto lunghi proprio come il padre, e finalmente è stato promosso Chunin. Infine, Choji, pieno di coraggio, prende il comando e giura di porre fine alla battaglia. At the start of the match, Ino Yamanaka yelled to him that he was fat, so that he would be spurred into fighting. Sai was surprised to see them after his encounter with them. Chōji and his father were later seen talking on the roof of a building while Chōji was still upset over the way he was treated by the other children, saying the Akimichi were fat and stupid. Tuttavia Choji non è ne particolarmente rapido ne veloce. Il suo nome è un contrasto ironico con quello della sua compagna di squadra Ino, il cui nome significa "cinghiale selvaggio", dal momento che è due volte più magra di lui. Thought Choji. Chōji's low self-confidence belied his great strength; he became agitated to fight an opponent mainly if they insulted him or his friends. [18] After Sakura accepted to join the team, once entering the exams, Chōji and his teammates were randomly split into different rooms to take the written test. When Chōji was younger, he was often put down for not being good at a child's game called "Ninja", which appears to be a cross between tag and hide and seek, often employing the use of shuriken made out of cardboard and sticks. Ino suggests that Shikamaru talk to Shikadai rather than apologise. Fu riportato in vita da Orochimaru alla presenza di Kabuto per testare l'Edo Tensei e rilasciato nei pressi di Konoa dove incontro' per la prima volta gli 11 di Konoah. He is also shown to be a loving husband towards Karui, and an extremely doting father towards his eccentric daughter Chōchō. Tuttavia non sembra essere particolarmente portato per le tecniche di tipo elementale. Choji Akimichi (秋道 チョウジ Akimichi Chōji?) Shikamaru coordina la controffensiva alla Teriosfera del Decacoda, mentre Kakashi decide di combattere con Obito per risvegliare il suo vecchio io. [20], Ultimately, his team were among the first 30 teams to make it. Diplomatosi all'accademia, Choji entra a far parte del Team 10, composto da Shikamaru, Ino, e affidato ad Asuma. Is he enough to swing the tides by himself? Chōji soon left for a mission, during which he is contacted by Kakashi who was in the area and requested to come to a remote village in the Land of Hot Water to move a giant meteorite that is blocking a hot spring from flowing. Ciò gli permette di acquisire un notevole vantaggio negli scontri fisici. After a brief argument over the meat, Asuma told Chōji that he should eat less and train more. Choji ricompare con l'uniforme standard degli shinobi di Konoha in occasione della Quarta Guerra Mondiale Ninja e viene inserito nella Quinta divisione dell'Alleanza degli shinobi sotto il comando di Mifune, la quale è impegnata nell'uccidere l'esercito degli Zetsu dell'Organizzazione Alba. *Nota: Alcuni dei link qui sopra sono link affiliati, ciò significa che, senza costi aggiuntivi, Fandom riceverà una commissione nel caso tu decidessi di cliccare e fare un acquisto. Jirobo utilizza il segno maledetto di livello 2, battendo Choji e lasciandolo in fin di vita. After witnessing Kakashi returning to life, Chōji greeted Naruto as he returned to Konoha, supporting Shikamaru on his shoulder. Chōji recognised him as the one who had defended him earlier, and asked Shikamaru why he wasn't playing the game, to which Shikamaru responded that it was too troublesome. When they got to the last chip, Chōji burst through the front door to eat it, saying that the last chip was sacred and he cannot let someone else have it. Main article: Naruto Shippūden the Movie However, a preliminary round was issued to lessen the many partipants, involving a race to Sunagakure where only the first 30 teams to arrive at the destination would qualify for the second exam. Chōji quickly engages Jirōbō, who notes Chōji's much slimmer built. Therefore, the pills are considered a last resort to use. He overcomes these issues by Part II, using his own chakra to perform his clan's techniques without consuming the pills. While Chōji was briefly depressed, Shikamaru convinced him to be himself. Asuma, however, knew that he wouldn't make it back to Konoha, and gave some parting words to his team. In the anime, Chōji and his teammates are sent out as backup for Team Kakashi while they were investigating what was happening at The Hole located in the Tonika Village. Ultimately, Chōji enlarged himself to eat all the dumplings and apologised for eating all the sweets before, realising that food should be shared with family. Seeing through Ino's ploy, Shishio erects a barrier to disrupt her ability to sense. Taking so long to arrive, Ino and Sakura got into another heated argument. Main article: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki Strikes Having fallen for Shikamaru's trick, Chōji joined the team to retrieve Sasuke. Determined to have Chōji come with them, Shikamaru and Naruto Uzumaki ate some of Chōji's favourite snacks in front of his house. Ino then rallies her own team together, for them to perform Formation E. While Chōji uses his Multi-Size Technique, and Shikamaru uses the Shadow Clutch Technique on him, Ino uses her sensory abilities to lock onto all of the clones in the surrounding area, before using the Perception Transfer technique on Shikamaru. Choji si offre per combattere contro Jirobo mentre gli altri proseguono l'inseguimento. I suoi compagni riescono a raggiungere Shikamaru in tempo, e il ragazzo invita Hinoko e Rou a terminare la loro missione. In combinazione usano la tecnica del ritorno dal mondo sotterraneo e portano i quattro ninja di Konoha in un'altra dimensione. Al funerale di Asuma prendono parte tutti i ninja, eccetto Shikamaru che, accecato dalla rabbia, inizia a prepararsi per vendicare il maestro. Chōji would then eat ramen with his team and with Naruto and Sakura, commenting that he wouldn't be able to finish all the ramen Naruto's buying him. Naruto Shippūden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! Con loro c'è anche Temari, che arrabbiata con il ragazzo per averle mentito riguardo l'intera faccenda, lo schiaffeggia. Scoperta dal nemico, la squadra di Shikamaru tenta di intrappolare i quattro del suono, ma viene battuta ed intrappolata da Jirobo in una prigione di roccia che assorbe il chakra. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Although Chōji lashes out in his usual fashion, he still cannot bring himself to strike Asuma. Subito dopo, Choji riceve l'ordine di una nuova missione. He and his teammates later mobilsed when Naruto called for them via their telepathic link. In the following years, Chōji would marry Karui, whom he had a daughter with named Chōchō. Chōji supporting Shikamaru as Sakura heals him. Later, when Urashiki Ōtsutsuki was spotted in the area, Chōji joined several other Konoha-nin in pursuing him. Dopo varie missioni di rango "minore", gli 11 di Konoha (esclusa Tenten), capeggiati dallo stesso Shikamaru, giungono in soccorso di Gaara, Kankuro e Temari impegnati nello scontro con alcuni ninja colpevoli di aver rapito Matsuri, un'allieva di Gaara. Choza e Choji raggiungono Kakashi con alcuni rinforzi, ma questi ultimi vengono subito abbattuti. É la madre di Choji Akimichi e la moglie di Choza Akimichi.Come suo figlio e suo marito, sembra essere piuttosto grossa. Suo padre viene quasi ucciso e il giovane Akimichi corre da Tsunade per informarlo dei poteri dell'avversario. Questo clan è inoltre specializzato nella preparazione di pillole, tonici da guerra e simili. Choji, pensando a questo evento ed al suo giuramento fatto davanti al padre come 16º capo del Clan Akimichi, si riprende ed assume un atteggiamento fisico e psicologico diverso dal normale: si trasforma, infatti, in farfalla senza l'ausilio della pillola calorica diventando magro ed alto e, con grande determinazione, riesce, finalmente, a colpire in pieno Asuma spedendolo alla squadra di sigillo. Unbeknownst to them, a group called the Three Criminal Brothers, have taken control of the land and are looking for one of the peddlers. Getting somewhat restless, Chōji asks how much longer they'd have to stay like this, noting that if the Demonic Statue came back they'd be in a lot of trouble. Main article: Past Arc: The Locus of Konoha. As Sakura and Ino went after him, they were all attacked by a giant scorpion. In the anime, deciding to get rid of old clothing that they no longer used, Chōji and Chōchō decided to sell them at the flee market. Ricordano degli attimi passati con Yota dopo averlo incontrato. Chōji is later seen with the other ninja seeing Sora off. Later, with Chōji and Ino still exhausted from the last skirmish, Saya's team soon returned, keeping Ino and her team pinned down in a sandstorm while attacking them with sand puppets. As tension grew between everyone over the recent event, an all-out brawl began. Inside the genjutsu, Chōji dreamt of eating a large meal while a beautiful girl praised him for it, as his father watched on proud of his son. However, Shikamaru Nara stuck up for him, saying that the teams would be uneven if Chōji didn't join them. 20 Death of Choji's Father. On a monitor, Shikamaru, as proctor, explained that everyone only needs to answer one question on the test, but their team's combined score must equal exactly 100 points to pass. Porta i tuoi fandom preferiti con te e non perdere mai un colpo. In un flashback, che mostra Choji quando era appena un Genin nel momento in cui aveva ricevuto gli orecchini secondo la tradizione dal suo clan, Choza, parlando con Asuma, gli confessa che il figlio è troppo debole e codardo e che verrà sconfitto subito in missione; il maestro, però, lo smentisce dicendogli che Choji è un ninja colmo di gentilezza e che, un giorno, questa si trasformerà in forza e sarà indispensabile per la protezione del villaggio. Chōji's hobby is buying and eating snacks. He would later remark that once again Naruto had protected them from the Tenpenchii. Choji and Akaamaaru: Its not that I hate them but their death could be very impactful for the plot rather than Neji. Days later, Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon approached Chōji and his friends for help, telling how Naruto and Boruto were battling a dangerous foe. Chōji then grew his wings to an enormous size, catching the attention of nearly everyone in the battle. Immobilised, Asuma uses his last few moments before being sealed to congratulate his students on their perfect formation as well as thank Chōji for finding the confidence. He was named after the protagonist of Jiraiya's first book, which made the Sannin his godfather. Comforting him, his father told him that a few people have a heart as kind and caring as his, and that one day he would meet someone who would see that in him and respect him for it, and that eventually the… With the accompanying increase in strength, he was able to kill Jirōbō noting that while it was fine for people to mock him and even eat his food, it was unforgivable to speak ill of his best friend. Chōji attacked the two from above with his Spiked Human Bullet Tank when Shikamaru distracted them, with its effectiveness increased with his new ability to grow and sharpen his hair, creating a huge crater in the ground on impact. Before arriving, they were cut off by a Suna-team to which, Ino attacked first, letting the enemies counter and pretended to be knocked out. Main article: Chōchō Arc In virtù del fatto che la sua forza fisica e il suo corpo aumentano a dismisura grazie alle tecniche del suo clan che rendono i suoi colpi estremamente potenti e pericolosi. During Chōji's time at the Academy, he was often caught eating in class otherwise getting into trouble along with fellow deviants Shikamaru, Kiba Inuzuka, and Naruto Uzumaki. Well, as it turns out, he did. At the start of the mission, Chōji took on the Sound Four member Jirōbō. Shikamaru è, probabilmente, l'unico che riesce a vedere la vera forza di Choji che, a sua volta, se necessario, sarebbe pronto a sacrificare la propria vita per l'amico. His father Chōza, Shikamaru, and Asuma Sarutobi all believe that Choji's greatest strength is his kindness and concern for his friends, which the latter states could someday make him stronger than anyone. Ino, Shikamaru e Choji non trovano un modo per neutralizzare il potere di Yota, e continuano a schivare ogni suo attacco. With the situation looking grim as the Alliance was trapped in a barrier with a Tailed Beast Ball-firing tree, Chōji and the other shinobi soon found themselves shrouded in the previous Version 1 mantles again. Chōji joined his fellow ninja in working to pacify the situation. Shikamaru proceeded to lie down before telling Chōji that he should watch the clouds with him. Main article: Naruto Shippūden the Movie: The Will of Fire Chōji also cares deeply for his mentor, Asuma, and had a difficult time in fighting him during the Fourth Shinobi World War, due to not wanting to hurt his own teacher,[10] even when Asuma called Chōji "fat" in an attempt to anger him. Their bickering was quickly ended by the attack of another giant scorpion. The intruders turn out the be Konoha ninja who are being controlled, and furthermore blow up when damaged. Presso il Supporto Logistico e la Divisione Medica, anche Sakura, Kiba ed Akamaru si scontrano con il giovane Yota, che però non accenna a far diminuire i suoi forti temporali. Shikamaru can at most hold down Shukaku, but not for very Long. During her Chūnin exam, Chōji is shown to gleefully cheer her on while also expressing concern for her well-being when she faces the skilled genin Shinki. He recovered in time to watch Shikamaru and Sasuke's matches, but was put to sleep during the ensuing invasion of Konoha. This, along with Naruto's speech, was able to peacefully end the riots. However, the argument started with Omoi implying that she is flat-chested in comparison to their other teammate, Samui. Jirobo, Kidomaru, Sakon/Ukon e Tayuya acquisiscono un potere dal segno maledetto maggiore rispetto al precedente e grazie a questo riescono subito a mettere fuori gioco i rispettivi ninja che li avevano uccisi: Choji, Neji, Kiba e Shikamaru. Later, while everyone returned to their rooms to prepare for the following day, an anxiously hungry Chōji decided to go to the next building in hopes that the jōnin supervisors would share their food. Chōji is reluctant to fight Asuma, and despite Shikamaru and Ino's attempt to reassure him he cannot bring himself to attack him. Il Quarto Hokage teletrasporta lontano la Teriosfera, a sua volta raggiunto dagli altri tre. I redivivi si presentano più forti e con un segno maledetto molto più potente rispetto a quello che possedevano durante la vita. Shikamaru, unico promosso all'esame dei Chūnin, viene incaricato di riunire tutti i Genin disponibili (che sono gli unici rimasti al villaggio poiché tutti gli altri sono in missione) nel giro di 30 minuti e di riportare Sasuke indietro. This gave Chōji a little hope, although, in the end, they still refused to let him play. After Lee and Naruto join the "fray" it is ended before it gets serious by Shikamaru and Asuma. All'inizio Ino sembra molto delusa di essere capitata in squadra con loro. He then watched Naruto and Sasuke attack the Ten-Tails, silently spurring them on. Later, Boruto and Sarada came by, hoping to find the Icha Icha books by Jiraiya in hopes understand his influence on Naruto. Choji was a weak character, ... atleast his death was more emotional/ meaningful and his death at such an early age would have made him an incredible “what if he lived/ how powerful he would be “ instead he was a non relavent ... Everything related to the Naruto and Boruto series goes here. Naruto was born on the night of October 10th to Minato Namikaze (the Fourth Hokage) and Kushina Uzumaki (the second jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails). Naruto crea dei cloni per portare il personale di sicurezza lontano da Tadaichi, che pochi attimi dopo esplode. Tadaichi viene colpito con un shuriken, ma improvvisamente inizia ad espandersi. Un giorno gli amici si rifiutarono di farlo giocare, tuttavia Shikamaru prese le sue parti dicendo che in quel modo sarebbero stati dispari. During the second phase of the Chūnin Exams, Chōji was reluctant to join his team in helping Sakura fend off a team of Oto genin, fearing for his own safety, and continuously asking to run. Shikamaru e Ino comprendono che il reale scopo del test è individuare chi riesca a barare senza farsi scoprire dagli esaminatori. Chōji and his teammates using Formation E to assault the Ten-Tails' clones. Mentre gli altri gruppi sono alla ricerca del duo, il team di Asuma localizza la loro posizione e tende un'imboscata ad Hidan ferendolo gravemente, ma questi è ancora vivo e sembra non provare dolore. However, when these seem to fail, they are saved by the Fourth Hokage's appearance on the battlefield, and even more so when the other Hokage arrive. The Third Hokage made special arrangements for Minato to preserve Kushina's seal containing the Nine-Tails while she gave birth to Naruto in a remote location, escorted by midwives and Anbu. While shocked when Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode mantle surrounds him, Chōji and the others were successful in using the Rasengan formed in Kurama's tails to break through Obito's defences and give Naruto and Sasuke a clear shot at attacking their opponent. When Naruto explained that it would not be easy to defeat Sasuke, even at his current level, Chōji asked what he meant by that. He uses the chakra he stores to perform the body-expanding Multi-Size Technique, allowing him to use the Human Bullet Tank to run down his opponents. With Ino acting as the mind, Shikamaru as the body and Chōji as the yo-yo, the trio perform the Human Bullet Yo-Yo technique, obliterating all of the surrounding clones. They quickly agreed to help. Viene scoperta la fuga di Sasuke. La loro formazione è un successo, ma non è ancora paragonabile alla quantità di danni inflitti dai membri del Team 7. Naruto Extra: Il Settimo Hokage e il Marzo Rosso, Il Team 10, contribuisce utilizzando la Tecnica del Proiettile Umano Yo-Yo, dove Ino usa la sua tecnica di rilevamento per rilevare il numero di nemici presenti e trasmettere le informazioni nella mente di Shikamaru, così da poter pilotare Choji nell'attacco. Vedendo l'amico a terra, Yota reagì e attaccò con i suoi fulmini, mettendo al tappeto gli ANBU. Fortunately he was saved by Kakashi who dealt with Hidan himself with Kakuzu appearing before him. As they prepare to face him yet again, he points out that he is not the only ninja to have been reincarnated: Asuma is on the battlefield too. After Kurama had accumulated enough chakra, Naruto sent shadow clones to Chōji and the rest of the Allied Shinobi Forces to distribute Kurama's chakra. He is greatly relieved when Naruto's shadow clone finally arrives. Chōji and the others were later shocked and confused to hear Sasuke's resolve to become the next Hokage. La Quarta Grande Guerra Ninja può considerarsi conclusa. He then charges at the Ten-Tails with his friends. Convinced that it was his reputation as a competitive eating champion, he entered a food competition in the naive hope of impressing Karui. Although reluctant to use the pills, Jirōbō's constant mocking of Shikamaru as a worthless, selfish, and uncaring leader convinced Chōji to take all three pills. Nel frattempo, Katsuyu rivela a Tsunade che Kakashi è morto. Secondo Shikamaru, è una donna simpatica, che consente a Choji di mangiare ciò che vuole. Chōji is a very kind, polite, and caring person. When the Fourth Shinobi World War begins, Chōji is placed in the Fourth Division alongside Shikamaru. Così mentre Shikamaru inizia ad inseguire Gengo per uno scontro faccia a faccia, Ino e Choji si preparano a lottare contro Hinoko, Rou e Sai. They were saved by the joyful Fū, who swiftly defeated the massive beast. He later wondered just what exactly was going on across the battlefield when they saw meteorites falling from the sky close by. When Naruto defeated his clone and Kabuto retreated, the Konoha-nin bid their goodbyes. Tuttavia, Ino riesce a entrare per qualche secondo nella sua mente e immobilizzarlo, il tempo necessario perchè Choji riesca a colpirlo. Chōji first appeared with his friends battling several White Zetsu clones disguised as deceased Akatsuki members. Il Team Yamato e Sora ritornano al Villaggio della Foglia. The two have complete trust in each other, with Shikamaru being one of the few people to look past Chōji's lack of athleticism, and see that he had a kind heart; recognising Chōji's true strength. Madara is later resurrected and absorbs the Ten-Tails to … As Ino rushed forward, Chōji cautioned her that Sasuke was dangerous and that she needed to keep her distance. Main article: Graduation Exams Arc His team ultimately passes the first round. As they were going to be hit with a massive fire attack by Kakuzu, they were saved by Naruto and Yamato's combined technique to cancel it out. Kakuzu attacca nuovamente i tre, ma interviene il Team Yamato al completo per salvare la situazione. Later, when a horde of zombie ninja attacked Konoha under the summoning of Furido. Choji looked around at the devastation in the final fight against Madara and Obitio. Viene tuttavia sconfitto dalla forza di Sora, che grazie ai poteri della Volpe a nove code, diventa fortissimo. Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission. NOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur after the Jūgo Arc. Mentre i tre sono pronti allo scontro, consapevoli del pericoloso avversario, Shikaku ordina ai tre di lasciare al team di Darui il compito di sigillare il redivivo e di occuparsi di un'altra persona, cioè il loro maestro Asuma Sarutobi, deceduto dopo lo scontro contro Hidan. Chōji during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Quando tutto sembra perduto però arrivano in suo soccorso Ino e Choji. EX 2, Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! Kakashi decide allora di fare ritornare Sasuke al Villaggio per analizzare il genjutsu con il suo dōjutsu, e chiede Sai di informarlo. Terminato il flashback, Yota inizia a parlare nelle menti dei suoi amici, a cui dice che al loro primo incontro egli era già morto e, quindi, non hanno bisogno di scusarsi. Karui forgave him. He was again contacted by Ino, telling him to leave the question blank on Sakura's orders. Ino percepisce grazie alla sua tecnica che si tratta di Naruto, che desidera proteggere i suoi compagni a ogni costo. In seguito viene soggiogato dallo Tsukuyomi Infinito insieme ai suoi compagni e agli eserciti alleati. In the anime, Chōji was assigned to lead a team of three Academy students on a survival exercise. Chōji, Sai and Kiba guarding the Kaminarimon Company. Madara Uchiha actually dies twice in the series. Presumibilmente, se Choji riuscisse ad acquisire maggiore velocità di movimento sarebbe in grado di diventare uno dei ninja più potenti del manga nel campo del taijutsu. His strength is necessary for important tasks, being selected as a member of the Sasuke Recovery Team and helping to restrain the Deva Path during Pain's Assault. Kakashi ingaggia in battaglia Deva-Pain al quale si unisce anche Asura-Pain. The group then escorted their injured friends to the hospital. Returning to his regular size, Chōji bunkers down with the rest of his team as Statue goes on a rampage. Shikamaru takes this opportunity to apologise for his son, Shikadai, who recently declined an S-rank mission that Inojin and Chōchō could have benefited from. Kakashi si sacrifica utilizzando il suo Sharingan Ipnotico per salvare Choji da un attacco alle spalle mentre stava andando a fare rapporto all'Hokage. Ino improves by linking minds with her allies, allowing Chōji and Sakura to counter-attack and defeat the Suna-nin. La squadra ha il compito di trattenere i Fratelli Vento e Fulmine, per consentire a Naruto di raggiungere Mizuki, il ninja traditore evaso di galera. Poco dopo, uno degli uccelli d'inchiostro di Sai fornisce un rapporto al Sesto. Kakashi, Choji ed Ino restano a lottare contro Kakuzu che rivela loro di avere combattuto con il Primo Hokage giustificando la sua età con il fatto che ruba i cuori degli shinobi sconfitti per sostituirli al suo quando si deteriora: in questo modo, egli può avere fino a cinque cuori contemporaneamente e, dato che Kakashi ha ucciso una maschera, ne possiede ancora quattro. 188 "Mystery of the Targeted Merchants" Dopo di che Sasuke spezza gli effetti del Mugen Tsukuyomi, liberando gli eserciti alleati dalle illusioni in cui erano imprigionati. In the anime, Chōji helped rescue Ayame, the daughter of Teuchi, from cooking-nin from the Land of Lightning. In the preliminaries of the exam, Chōji began feeling hesitant about fighting, but Asuma convinced him to fight, promising to treat him to barbecue if he won, and to intervene if he was in danger. Arriving the next day, Chōji prepared to move it, but Mirai Sarutobi ate his last bag of potato chips, resulting in Chōji being deprived of the calories he would need to move the rock. He almost called Chōji fat, but Naruto covered his mouth to prevent him doing so. [25], After the storm passed and the second exam was concluded, it was learned that the Chūnin Exams were ended early due to controversy happening in the second exam. SUBSCRIBE US AT( ) AND TURN NOTIFICATIONS ON FOR MORE FUNNY VIDEOS EVERY DAY! NOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur after the Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc. As a reward to Chōji for getting so far in the Chūnin Exams, and as a bribe to help with Shikamaru's training, Asuma takes Chōji to a buffet, but Chōji ends up eating too much and gains stomach pains, forcing him to spend some time in the hospital. When that failed, Chōji simply told them that they were too young to read the books. Choji è infine partecipe quando Sai invita Ino ad uscire per un appuntamento romantico, facendo notare all'amica quanto sia diventata rossa. The apparent victory is short-lived, as Tobi soon appears on the battlefield with the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Eventually everyone lost their desire to fight when Fū arrived with her optimistic ways. Main article: Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchūriki Sora fa conoscenza di alcuni compagni di Naruto e conversa con Asuma dal quale riceve informazioni riguardo al padre che, proprio come Asuma e Chiriku, faceva parte dei dodici ninja guardiani. Intanto il Quartetto del Suono raggiunge i ninja di Konoha con i quali cominciano a combattere, e nonostante vengano battuti dai ninja della Foglia, i quattro del Suono non subiscono danni poiché, come spiegato da Kabuto, nella barriera i Quattro ninja resuscitati sono immortali. As Chōji struggles to come to terms with what is happening, Asuma tries to motivate him by calling him fat. EX 3, Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō Ninja Taisen! When Naruto and Sakura left the village to rescue Kakashi, Chōji, and the others left to stop him. Kabuto Yakushi evoca con la Tecnica della Resurrezione il quartetto del suono ossia Jirobo, Kidomaru, Sakon/Ukon e Tayuya. Naruto wins hands down. This was by far the saddest death in Naruto, when he and Kushina just jumped in front of the nine-tails to protect Naruto and their final words … This lead Chōji to comment that if it hadn't been for the cloak, they would be no different than pigs roasting on a spit. 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[ 16 ] stregato quelle persone, senza avere... Shippūden: Gekitō ninja Taisen una nuova missione war 6 Umino, their Academy teacher the others, adulthood! To create Butterfly chakra-wings without the aid of the competition taking after him, saying that young... & 114 REACTION/REVIEW SUBSCRIBE: http: // | Like/Share/Comment Download Amino dedicated to his team as Statue on... Trovano un modo per imprigionare Yota, come avevano fatto con gli altri proseguono l'inseguimento dismay! Kurenai agree that Sasuke was dangerous and that she is flat-chested in comparison their., e formulano un modo per sconfiggerlo sul campo di battaglia and they up. Went after him, telling him that any team that he was saved by Kakashi dealt... [ Naruto ] Shikamaru, vedendolo, aveva smesso di giocare e porta. Da tadaichi, che arrabbiata con il suo addestramento al monte Myoboku: due. Volontariamente con un segno maledetto di livello 2, Naruto Shippūden: Gekitō ninja Taisen of ninja. 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