What I did was find a goddess (in my case Brighid) who I felt connected to and I admired. Looking for more free information about witchcraft? If you’re interested in giving Wicca try but aren’t sure how to get started, I’ve created a simple seeker ritual just for you! Practice meditation and visualization exercises to enhance concentration for using magick. This religion was developed by British occultist Gerald Gardner and is considered a distinct branch of witchcraft. Some witches prefer to write everything down in chronological order as they learn. It is not necessary to join a coven to practice Wicca. Wiccans often face discrimination and harassment, often based on the misplaced assumption that Wiccans worship Satan and that Wicca is anti-Christian. It was a great, "I am a very private person, have people issues, and really am interested in Wicca. Attest that you will follow the Rede (“If You Harm None, Do What You Will.”). For more help, including how to take an oath of secrecy to become a Wiccan, scroll down! Really enjoyed. Jillian, Sarah and I walked through the woods … Wiccans take responsibility for their own actions. ", was wondering how to become a Wicca and practice it. Willow the Wiccan (leer en español)Basic Description. ", more and why I was doing what I was doing! Getting started in the world of Wicca doesn’t have to be a complicated affair. I can't have a book of shadows because I'm afraid that my parents will find it. I have always been fascinated by witches, so I, "I am a Catholic Wiccan and yes, that is possible. The concept of unschooling, also called "natural learning" or "experience-based learning," is one that's not unique to Pagan families, but it has found a definite niche in the homeschooling … Don’t forget the matches or a lighter! ideal of what it is. Your support helps wikiHow to create more in-depth illustrated articles and videos and to share our trusted brand of instructional content with millions of people all over the world. Your celebration could be as simple as meditating in a quiet spot in the backyard. 6 Things to Try When Magick Goes Wrong, Wiccan Deities: A Complete Guide for Beginners, Symbolism that affects one or more senses (sight, smell, etc. Your book of shadows can be a traditional journal or notebook, or you can create one digitally—what’s important is that you have a place where you can jot dot down everything you learn in your study of Wicca. Last Updated: March 9, 2020 If you are thinking of becoming a Wiccan, you must be careful with what you say. If you are seeking a more formal magical education, or yearn for a teacher to lead you further down the path of witchcraft, here is a list, in alphabetical order, of some schools about magic, witchcraft, paganism, and/or Wicca. These days, there is a great deal of information available on Wicca via books and websites. Wicca is also not a me-against-the-world situation. Witch School is the Seminary of the Correllian Nativist Church, a US-based Wiccan church. As our spiritual Mother, she represents fertility and maternal protection. It simply begins with a desire to learn more about the craft. If you’re looking for resources that delve into the advanced specifics of Wicca, you’ve come to the right place! Just because you do one good deed doesn’t mean you should expect three to come your way! Wiccan Degree. This seeker ritual is also a good introduction to what Wiccan magick looks like. Be ready to talk with family and friends about your choice to become Wiccan. Sometimes, you will hear witches refer to him as “Cernunnos”, which is the name he is given within Celtic witchcraft. So to recap, your item list should look like this: Clear a space and place your four elemental objects on the ground, as if they were the four points of an invisible square. These are very minute and challenging distinctions to make. Show me the road towards truth that I may come to love all the wisdom of the Universe. ", to follow. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Eventually, after a year and a day of studying Wicca, you can find a coven welcoming new members and ask if you can join. Stand in front of it, and with your palms up in the air, say: Element of fire, giver of passion. You can also include drawing down the moon, things like colour correspondents, the sabbats, the esbats, and anything else you feel belongs in there. It was great to understand myself, "Learned that there are good articles out there explaining what Wicca truly is so I can help people to know and not, "This was one of the more interesting and to-the-point articles I've read about the Wiccan beliefs. Though my wife has been one for most of her life, she has a hard time finding information on her, "I've wanted to know about Wicca for a long time, and I got really good information in this article. Witchcraft is - as the name says - craft. This was the single best spiritual moment of my life. Within Wicca, they each represent different attributes. If you’re seeking to become a Wiccan or learn more about what a Wiccan does and believes, you’ve come to the right place! The author answered the questions very informatively, and, "It helped me understand even more of what I have been doing for a long time now! (For our purposes, a witch is anyone who believes in and works with the power of magick.). Move me closer to the truth with your gentle winds. You want to just live by your faith and explore your spirituality, but … ", me realize my one true path. Areas of study include: 1. This article is meant to be a complete, in-depth guide for introducing you to the world of Wicca. However, one formal thing I would suggest you do to get started in Wicca is begin a book of shadows. ", will come back on you. ), Invoking of a deity (like the Triple Goddess), Particular words and actions that must be performed. Like any religion, Wicca can be an individual activity or it can be practiced in a group setting. Once again in the same position, say: Element of air, giver of flight. It is nice to have physical interactions with others of like mind and you never know, you could learn from them. By far, one of the biggest sources of confusion is the distinction between a Wiccan, a witch, and a Pagan. Be sure to sign up for my mailing list so I can notify you when a new article is published on the site. Is it okay to write it in my phone? Being a Pagan or a Wiccan teen is especially challenging. And if you’re promoting negativity and evil, that will find its way back to you as well. This is because it takes into account how our actions can impact others. The last time I performed a Wiccan ritual was the beginning of my freshman year of high school. The threefold rule is also central to Wiccan beliefs, which is the idea that whatever you do will come back to you threefold. Finally, return to the candle in the middle and light it. ", learn more about it, and I am very grateful for such-readily available help. Here’s where things get a little tricky. Some versions of Wicca weigh goddesses and gods equally, as there is a general sense in Wicca to believe in duality or balance in the universe. Any way you want to. This is the path I have chosen. This refers to anyone who practices any branch of witchcraft. You ready? When you’re just beginning the study of Wicca, it can be easy to get tripped up by the terminology. We say certain things at certain times and in certain contexts because we understand the power that language has to shape our world. Finally, move to the object representing water. You may decide to keep your faith private from some people, particularly those who you think will be less accepting of your decision. Books and online information can help, but are not sufficient alone. Access the answers to hundreds of Wicca questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. If you were paying attention, you probably noticed that all four of the previous invocations followed the same basic structure—they began by addressing an elemental spirit and followed with a request to that spirit. And now we’ve reached the end of the ritual! See also the references below. By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll be familiar with the following things: How to Get Started in Wicca A circle is a loose gathering of people who might only meet periodically, but they gain support from each other. Additionally, you’ll receive a completely free color magick correspondence chart upon signing up! But for now, let’s get started! Learn what Wicca is, when the holidays are, what they mean, etc. Only through reading and research can you learn what it means to be Wiccan. No spam, no selling your data—just fast, easy access to the information you need to continue your spiritual journey. Studying the history of one's religion, traditions, superstitions, and beliefs provides perspective on how such paths came about and why they are relevant. The Maiden is a young woman and is a symbol of purity and beauty. Some people practise witchcraft and practise makes perfect, as they say. References Don't hurt or judge them, because it, "This article has very educational information that's interesting and easy to read and understand. Yes you can! ", all female oriented cults or belief systems. Wicca Learn everything you want about Wicca with the wikiHow Wicca Category. So mote it be. Learn more... Also known as “The Old Religion” and “The Craft,” Wicca is a religion with its own practices, tenets, and beliefs rooted in pagan traditions. "It was a clear, concise presentation of an outline of Wicca that some may have heard about, but never experienced. Another way to learn more is to connect with other Wiccans in your local community. Repeat the following: Element of water, giver of purification. That vernacular, that term. Walk or swing your arm around in a clockwise manner three times. On the other hand, if someone worshipped the traditional Gods of the British Isles, they would be considered a Pagan but not necessarily a witch, if they didn’t utilize magick in their religious practices. What is wicca ? Everything about your book of shadows should be a unique representation of yourself. I really honor Wicca. May the Lord and Lady bless your journey, no matter where life takes you! Being a Wiccan … Once you’re more familiar with Wicca, you’ll need to choose a god or goddess to become your matron or patron deity. We as Wiccans turn to the Maiden for things like: Basically, she represents all that is good and wholesome within the world. But there's a lot more to it. Online Wiccan Schools The Wicca Academy is designed for beginners who know little or nothing about the Wiccans, as well as for advanced witches who have been practicing the religion for years. When the moon is moving towards being full, this is known as the waxing moon. ", article to help me become a Wiccan. Regardless of where you go from here, it’s my sincere hope that what you’ve read has been of use to you. … Click the button below to sign up for updates! But I, "This article has given me an insight into Wicca. For this reason, I think it’s worth learning the distinction between these three terms. These three terms are very closely related, and it can be very challenging to keep them straight. So mote it be. Finding your own path, doing your own thing, discovering your own truth—these are all important aspects of the Wiccan experience. There are no vows to take, there are no commandments to obey—there’s simply the magick of the universe waiting to be discovered! Do those spells to become a witch really work? It has helped me to finally realize that becoming Wiccan is the, "I have a family member that is a Celtic witch and they shared some information about a year ago. Actually, a Wiccan high priestess, but I prefer not to use that. As Wicca primarily relies on a sense of balance, it makes sense to have both women and men be part of the religion. This is rarely an exact science—rather it’s more of a general reminder that karma exists and you can’t escape the consequences of your actions. You may not have an adequate community in your local area, or perhaps you have tried to be in a group setting and it hasn’t worked out. This is mostly because diversity of thought and practice are a hallmark of the religion. ", years, But, I had the concern of letting go of Jesus; although I haven't identified as Christian. Write down today’s date and a short statement about your intention. They demand trust and respect, but can often be subject to personality clashes or egos. Hi, there. Now, move to your object representing fire. This means that all Wiccans can also be considered witches. I now understand the Wiccan religion, thank. The Horned God is the classic male nature deity within Wicca. Surprisingly, Brighid governs over doorways. In order to be Wiccan, you don't have to practise witchcraft. Close the circle by reciting, “Thrice I cast this circle ’round, sacred is this holy ground.” This creates a space between you and the physical world in which to make your dedication. Clearly say the following: All spirits of goodwill are welcome here to join me on my spiritual journey. Memorizing spells, buying supplies, performing initiations rites—all that comes later.The first steps on the path of Wicca involve keeping an open mind and having a thirst for knowledge. Wiccans recognize that people live in partnership with the earth and rely on the earth’s bounty to survive. This is because Wicca is a spiritual practice as well as a religion. ", to the point. Our Elder Degree rounds out this intensive and life … There's a popular phrase in the Wiccan communities: 'Not all Wiccans are witches, and not all witches are Wiccans'. My intention is set, my will is sealed. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Learn how to use magick; Magick in Wicca … So, keep doing good and plenty of blessings will come. It can be hard to pin down any beliefs that all Wiccans share. Not everything is a sign, but some things are. If you want to work alone, that's fine. I found this information to be very helpful and understandable, so thank you. This time, stand in front of the object representing earth and say: Element of earth, giver of wisdom. Over the course of a month, the moon enters different phases, and we can observe this by watching its light gradually get larger and then smaller night after night. Also, take notice of dreams and small events that deities might be sending your way. Over time, people began to self-identify with the term Pagan, and it’s rarely used as an insult anymore, though. As far as the items you choose, feel free to get creative with this process. A coven is a more formal gathering of people, and they are often closed to outsiders. That’s fine too! Wicca is a group of related, … Traditionally, a witch might choose a candle to represent fire, a flower to represent earth, incense to represent air, and a bowl of water to represent water. There is a list of books on Wicca on this site. Many Wiccans have taken much longer – four or five years – before fully becoming Wiccan, and even then, some feel that this timeline is short. She is celebrated at the winter solstice—a time when we remember that life is a cycle of death and rebirth. But while it might be the most well-known branch of witchcraft, it is not synonymous with witchcraft in general. Start off by learning each corner of Wicca. 5. I truly feel that this is the right path for me. [1] X Research source There are no holy books or prophets or intermediaries. Thank you very much from Perth, Western Australia. The Wiccan community has grown so much since its birth in the early twentieth century. Collect symbols that signify a balance of nature. Many people are put off by Wicca, mostly because of a failure to understand what it actually is. http://www.ladybridget.com/w/wbelief.html, http://www.sacred-texts.com/bos/bos215.htm, https://www.circlesanctuary.org/index.php/about-paganism/introduction-to-the-wiccan-religion-and-contemporary-paganism, http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_prac.htm, http://www.wicca-spirituality.com/wiccan-goddesses.html, http://spells-witchcraft.org/pictures-of-greek-gods-and-goddesses.htm, http://www.wicca-spirituality.com/wicca-magick.html, http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=usfl&c=basics&id=2872, http://wicca.cnbeyer.com/becoming-wiccan/, http://www.grailmedia.com/wz2/bragi/youngwic.html, http://www.wicca-spirituality.com/covens.html, http://www.witchcraft.com.au/oath-wicca.html, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/annie-finch/the-7-best-things-about-being-a-wiccan_b_3226803.html, http://gleewood.org/seeking/practices/daily-practices/, https://wicca.com/celtic/akasha/holindex.htm, https://bookofshadowsblog.wordpress.com/how-to-create-a-book-of-shadows/, http://www.wicca-spirituality.com/men-wicca.html, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Some people are chosen by deities, but this is uncommon. However, if there’s one unifying belief that unites all of Wicca, it’s the Wiccan Rede. This is the easiest one: a Wiccan is simply a person who practices the religion of Wicca. Let me explain a few real facts about Wicca, and tell you some things you can and can’t do at the age of 12 when it comes to real Wicca. One can always learn, just as a teacher teaches a student, so does a student teach a teacher. When you're just starting to learn Wicca, you want a step-by-step, hands-on kind of program to show you what you need to know. There is no deadline or time frame for becoming Wiccan, so go at your own pace. Words are powerful, and words are magickal. I’m proud to offer a selection of books that deal with a wide range of topics in the witchcraft world. It's completely up to you. Open the circle back up by walking or waving your arm three times counterclockwise. If possible, you can write a book of shadows in a notebook too and have it hidden away (like under your mattress or something). Tags: horned god, pagan, triple goddess, wicca, wiccan, witchcraft, 7 Wiccan Love Symbols Every Witch Should Know, Why Didn't My Spell Work? wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Love this article. These objects will represent fire, water, air, and earth. This article is meant to be a complete, in-depth guide for introducing you to the world of Wicca. NEVER threaten to curse people just because you're Wiccan. Wicca is an ancient complex religion, and many practitioners follow different Wiccan … Religion of Wicca religion of Wicca not a single monolithic religion ; it is not true—all witches Wiccans... Or intermediaries 's fine at large our articles are co-written by multiple authors Wiccan God has no ties to whatsoever—in... 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