Changing Bermuda into Fescue Grass is a transition process and August is the month to start. Dead bermuda rhizome’s are like an extensive fiber beneath the soil that bind the soil particles extremely well. don’t forget to soil test and use a starter fertilizer (18-24-12) or something…. I'm pretty sure I want to convert the bermuda to fescue this fall. Starve a fescue lawn of 1 to 1 1/2 inches of water every 5 days and the result will be that the Bermuda will completely overtake your Fescue yard.You have 2 Removal Options:1 Roundup the bad news is it will also kill your Fescue.2 Ornamec an over the top post emergent that will retard or control bermuda with no damage to your Fescue. Reader Question: “The new house I purchased last year had a combination bermuda/tall fescue sod laid down by the builder. Bermuda is a warm-season grass that goes brown and dormant in the fall and winter, while fescue species are cool-season grasses that will … I sprayed with roundup for 3 weeks, then rented a sod cutter and cut out the bermuda, and its rhyzomes about as deep as it would cut. Lets leave the fescue there and when there gets to be a good stand of Bermuda grass then we can spray the Fescue with some Image, which is a herbicide that kills Fescue but not Bermuda. Keep in mind, fescue is a cool season grass, it does not really thrive throughout the summer as warm season turf, bermuda. Re: Converting TTT Fescue lawn to Bermuda lawn in NC - Help! Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye? WARNING: Do not seed Zenith if a pre-emerge herbicide has been applied within the previous 60 days Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon) grasses prefer U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 6, and 7 to 10, respectively, notes Missouri Botanical Garden. Tellycoleman Posts: 952 Joined: Wed May 10, 2017 9:21 pm Location: Nashville Grass Type: Yukon Bermuda Lawn Size: 22,000 Mower: Toro 1600 dontlikebermuda – posted 13 March 2005 21:33. Round up works best on actively growing, healthy leaf tissue. Also…..even when the bermuda is completely dead, the below soil parts (rhizome’s and roots) will take a couple of years before they completely decompose. dontlikebermuda – posted 12 March 2005 19:40. go ahead and areate your lawn with a transition blend grass, definatly seed the shit out of it to ensure good coverage. I want to convert this turf grass - mostly Fescue - to Zoysia and make the lawn lower maintenance. Renovation from Bermuda to Tall Fescue for Highly Shaded Turf Areas. Growing and maintaining a lush, healthy lawn requires optimal watering. Converting Cool & Warm Season Lawns To Zoysia Grass. But it does not do well in cooler weather and may need to be overseeded in the fall. Post by Zenith_NC » Sat May 25, 2019 2:17 pm So after a few busy weeks at work and some extra research, I am starting to consider whether delaying this project until July/August and dipping into the savings to go TifTuf sod is the most effective long term solution for my TTTF to Bermuda conversion … good luck.let me know how it goes. do it in your market around early sept. roundup will still work, and the fescue has plenty of time to germinate, and you won’t be into your late fall rains yet. This is because bermudagrass is actually a full sun grass. Many homeowners and small business owners try to maintain bermudagrass in moderate shade conditions only to end up with a poor lawn. Bermuda and Fescue Grass Care. then use roundup first on the bermuda, then dethatch and overseed with fescue. Or maybe lanscaping udner the trees with mulch or some type of ground cover. Just like your hair, you need to cut grass for it to be beautiful and in top condition. Since Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass and fescue is a cool season grass, the two seem like a match made in heaven. Spread 2 to 3 inches of compost over the area for the new fescue lawn and use a rototiller to mix it to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Thanks again. After your first spray and the turf looks completely dead, mow low and remove the clippings. Usually the first spray only kills 70 to 80% – so you will get re-growth! Fescue will hang in there through the summer, but needs good roots to do so. Fescue sown in the fall has the entire winter and spring to get established before confronting summer. A few rounds may need to be applied, and patience will be necessary because results aren’t immediate. You'll have to keep the fescue mowed short (1 inch) to prevent overshading until the baby bermuda becomes dominant. The Round Up was used in areas that had no bermuda. It is one of the most diversified grasses available which allows for a multitude of hybrids. When the neighbor has Bermuda and you have a Fescue or Bluegrass yard, the Bermuda will encroach upon the cool season grass during the heat of the summer. you can get this at your local LESCO dealer. Instructions on how to convert a cool season lawn (bluegrass / fescue / etc.) using Zenith Zoysia seeds. The Grass Factor 11,447 views. don’t do it now. Thanks. One neighbor on one side of me is already Fescue and his lawn has begun to overtake … you can technically spray the roundup and seed on the same day, but i don’t recommend it. Put down a starter fertilizer the same … My concern is that it rains here in the fall and I don’t want my yard to wash away – we are on a slight slope. quote:Originally posted by tommy:Usually to get a good bermuda kill- you have to spray ’round up’ twice….6 to 8 weeks apart. i would definitely wait for that size of lawn until the fall. I am a retired Golf Course Super and have made that very same conversion to my lawn in Greenville, SC. Changing Bermuda into Fescue Grass is a transition process and August is the month to start. Keeping the lawn all Bermuda would definitely simplify things. Fertilize and keep the area moist so as to stimulate the remaining bermuda to re-grow. Need help…live in DFW sodded Palmetto S/A last year looked great…over seeded Winter Rye…mow yard looks awful. Need help: Weed control for ornamental perennial peanut (rhizomes type)? The first one has a fine-to-medium texture, it performs well in warm climates, and it is very tolerant to … You will also get a better kill if the weather is warm… don’t spray too early in the season! mowing the tall fescue at 1 inch during the bermuda establishment period (8-10 weeks), keeps the tall fescue from shading out the baby bermudas – this is a key point, until the bermuda lawn is dominant. Thanks so much – all of you – I had no idea how little I actually knew about grass. Tips and instructions on how to convert an existing grass lawn to a Zenith zoysia grass lawn using seeds.These instructions apply to establishment of zoysia grass in warm season and cool season grasses. Now I have a yard that’s 65% bermuda with clumps of fescue popping up through out the yard. Bermuda, on the other hand, is a fast-growing variety of lawn grass that’s characterized by moderately thick leaves. Copyright © 2020 Phil Busey Agronomy Consulting Inc. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Paspalum grass for lawn | Walter Reeves: The Georgia Gardener, Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustine – Turfgrass Producers of Florida, Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustinegrass. I am not happy with it and want to replace it with fescue. The info you have provided is a great jumping off point. Having Bermuda in the summer and Fescue in the winter should provide a continuously green and durable yard year round. When bermudagrass invades fescue, the lawn looks “odd” in winter. The problem is not that this is a bad time to kill bermuda, it is a very bad time to get fescue up and thriving. Fescue sown at this time will not have enough time to develop much root structure and the hot summer will just toast it. Bermuda vs. Fescue Grass. ted – posted 13 March … Thanks for the info Turfman and Ted. Fescue is a cool season grass and hates the heat, it would be very costly to maintain in TX. My approach was to begin the process in the spring with applications of Round Up or Revolver. After your first spray and the turf looks completely dead, mow low and remove the clippings. It is possible, however, to overseed with bermuda, if you mow the fescue very low in late spring and make sure to get up all the debris so the bermuda seed is getting plenty of sun. Therefore, I am only able to treat lawns that have an in-ground automated sprinkler system in order to provide you with the best possible results. Bermuda is the most common form of grass in North America. Bermuda is a warm season grass which needs to be planted when it is hot (late spring early summer). Keep in mind, fescue is a cool season grass, it does not really thrive throughout the summer as warm season turf, bermuda. Don’t apply your second round up spray until the remaining bermuda is nice and lush. You may have to go thru this summer with bermuda, and time your renovation for a fall seeding with fescue. Lawn is getting bald-spotted and dried out, some weeds had taken over until I had them treated late last year. In this instance you don’t want to kill it all off and re-seed. dontlikebermuda – posted 12 March 2005 09:42. So I would like any input on how to do this. In this case you can apply HiYield Triclopyr Ester (formerly Turflon Ester) or HiYield Triclopyr 4. While most people use that expression as an excuse to get out of an unfavorable situation; let’s take a moment and actually consider something. I have a problem lawn in the back yard that gets lots of sun and little water and it always burns out in August. As long as mowing, fertilizing, and watering guidelines are followed, your home should be the envy of the neighborhood. Consider trimming the trees to allow more light if possible and having all Bermuda. when the bermuda comes in, use a product called fusilade to kill off the bermuda. Thanks. The Revolver was used to eradicate the fescue in areas where I had existing bermuda grass. Our basic information is about Zenith seeds establishment. Round up works best on actively growing, healthy leaf tissue. Unfortunately there are problems mixing the two grasses. No offense to any of ya'll, but I really am not a fan of the areas that have been taken over by bermuda. Usually to get a good bermuda kill- you have to spray ’round up’ twice….6 to 8 weeks apart. Bermuda vs Fescue Grass may not b… What is the best approach now that spring is coming our way? may be large enough of a job for a pro. Some parts are brown and some parts are green. Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that thrives in the heat of midsummer. For the last month, I have been cutting the grass relatively short to shock and kill the fescue … First, Bermuda likes to be mowed low and fescue likes to grow taller. So are you telling me that I am going to have a yard full of dirt? Galt Landscape can help with the transition process for your project. Grass Type: Tall Fescue primarily, bermuda Lawn Size: 14000 Mower: Honda. Unless you’re really into lawn care, most people don’t really consider what type of grass they want in their yard but still find themselves looking at pictures of fields of billowing grass hills, far off countryside or even their neighbor’s lawn. I just really prefer fescue to bermuda and I think I might actually give it a try. I changed a 1700 sq ft lawn from bermuda to fescue in the summer fall of 2000. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fescue is perfect for playgrounds and heavy foot traffic areas. I can be patient – but what is the best way to go about this? Any ideas? Also fertilize the crap out of it but not to much 18-24-12 starter fert. Converting a Fescue Lawn into a Bermuda Lawn - Duration: 2:07. Smaller yards transitions are doable for the go-getter homeowner, but for bigger yards, golf courses and businesses, professional help would be advised. I live in West TN (Zone 7) and have 1 1/2 acres of bermuda. Also read How to Correctly Plant Zoysia Grass Seed. dontlikebermuda – posted 11 March 2005 08:49. I have a mostly tall fescue lawn. 2:07. I and see now as the time to convert it to bermuda, I could not see killing a well growing lawn. Roundup will kill actively growing Bermuda Grass and weeds that are currently established. The best, most effective and economical way of transitioning is to spray the lawn areas that you want to convert with a Glyphosate (herbicide) type product, like RoundUp.Roundup will kill actively growing Bermuda Grass and … I currently have no trees, but will be adding them in the near future. Converting a regular lawn to a zoysia lawn using plugs is a good home project that is not as difficult and complicated as some may think. More importantly, Bermuda is considered an invasive grass because of its ability to grow and spread with minimal effort. It makes the summer lawn look lush. Here are some tips: Q: I have heard you discuss on your radio show removing bermudagrass from fescue lawns. Post by lvthomascrown123 » Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:49 pm. Fertilize and keep the area moist so as to stimulate the remaining bermuda to re-grow. ABSOLUTELY BUSHED: The grass is always greener: Converting a Bermuda lawn to St. Augustine . There is no possiblity of erosion between the time of your bermuda kill and your fescue seeding. Bermuda spreads by reproduction, meaning it is very easy to take care of for a plush yard. Fescue is course in nature, making it perfect for Oklahoma’s tough winters. Overseeding Bermuda with Tall Fescue. Once the Roundup has been activated, in early October the lawn should be mowed short and grass clippings collected so that over-seeding of Fescue grass can begin. Usually the first spray only kills 70 to 80% – so you will get re-growth! You will also get a better kill if the weather is warm… don’t spray too early in the season! Common grass species such as bermudagrass and fescues can be used as turfgrass. The best, most effective and economical way of transitioning is to spray the lawn areas that you want to convert with a Glyphosate (herbicide) type product, like RoundUp. South Florida Turfgrass Field Day and Expo. Fescue sown in the fall has the entire winter and spring to get established before confronting summer. Fescue will hang in there through the summer, but needs good roots to do so. How long will it take between the last time I apply Round Up until I can seed the yard with the fescue? In my landscaping business we use Ornamec(tm) to effectively do this. Bermuda grass and species of fescue are well-suited to be paired in a turf lawn. I have two large Live Oak trees in my front yard that are now creating too much shade to support the current Bermuda grass. It can be used for high maintenance and low maintenance needs, from highly groomed golf courses, to pastures for livestock. David M. Kopec, Extension Turfgrass Specialist . It’s fast germination provides an excellent solution when it comes to erosion control. I have a limited budget, so the cheapest way possible. It has thicker and coarser blades of grass than its fescue counterpart. Both Bermuda grass and fescue can be used for a lawn, but they differ substantially in their appearance and their growth habits. By Jimmie Gibson, Special to the Press Saturday May 20, 2017 at 12:01 AM. Some gardeners prefer to replace it with fescue, a cool-season grass that does best in the fall, winter and spring. Don’t apply your second round up spray until the remaining bermuda is nice and lush. Best practices of over-seeding would be to use a seed spreader versus broadcasting by hand as this will ensure an even spread. If you are planting the plugs in a regular lawn, fescue, rye, Kentucky bluegrass, ... Once the plugs become strong enough the zoysia plugs will choke out the St. Augustine or Bermuda. You may have to go thru this summer with bermuda, and time your renovation for a fall seeding with fescue. Leaf tissue would like any input on how to convert it to good!, a cool-season grass that does best in the heat of midsummer is because bermudagrass is actually full... 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