Design elements using Bootstrap, javascript, css, and html. Bootstrap Themes BS Templates BS Theme "Simply Me" BS Theme "Company" BS Theme "Band" Bootstrap Examples BS Examples BS Quiz BS Exercises BS Certificate Bootstrap CSS Ref CSS All Classes CSS Typography CSS Buttons CSS Forms CSS Helpers CSS Images CSS Tables CSS Dropdowns CSS Navs Glyphicons Bootstrap JS Ref Great for creating progress bars or loading indicators for your web application. The rotate() CSS function defines a transformation that rotates an element around a fixed point on the 2D plane, without deforming it. Use the .badge class in Bootstrap to create a circular badge with Bootstrap. How To Create Circles. We will also use a CSS vari Coming-soon Bootstrap 4 Website Template AcRoll Coming-soon Bootstrap 4 Website Template is a flat clean bootstrap coming soon or under … Continue reading “AcRoll Coming-soon Bootstrap 4 Website Template” Our Sponsor. Bootstrap Treeview. CSS Counter Properties. CSS counters are webpage-scope variables whose values can be changed using CSS rules. Use a wrapping