I need a short summary of each chapter. Not because I particularly wanted to bare my soul in public, but because her death changed my life and created the conditions for the book to be written. First published in April of 2004, Eats, Shoots and Leaves spent 25 weeks on the NY Times bestseller list and by October of that year had gone back to press 22 times to bring the total of copies in print to a million. I can’t guess how many copies are out there by now. Favorite Answer. Eats, Shoots & Leaves is not a book about grammar. Eats, Shoots & Leaves brings to mind one sort of personal failing I thought I had long since overcome and threatens to provoke its rejuvenation. Summary: In Eats, Shoots & Leaves, Lynn Truss presents an entertaining how-to guide for punctuation in the modern age. I am not a grammarian. Get it? 9 years ago. For each set of sentences, there are thumbnails of the illustrations and an explanation of the function of … There are plenty of laughs in this book. The intended audience of this book is typically anyone who can read or write. Summary of each chapter in Eats,Shoots and Leaves? At the end of the book, there is a two-page, illustrated spread titled Why These Commas Really Do Make A Difference. 1 Answer. The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation! Lynne Truss. After reading Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots & Leaves, Steven Poole concludes that punctuation should be a help, not a hindrance Steven Poole Sat 13 … EATS, SHOOTS & LEAVES. When Eats, Shoots & Leaves came out, and people wanted to know the story behind it, I found that I couldn’t tell that story without talking about the death of my sister in September 2000. I read it but it was very hard to understand I just want to compare it. Let me know and I … Of course it’s British. Eats, shoots and leaves.' By nature I am what Ms. Truss calls a "stickler," i.e., one acutely sensitive to transgressions of the rules and conventions of … R.E. My favourite story is one about the American chap playing Duncan in Macbeth , listening with appropriate pity … Walton Philosophy UM-Missoula. But it is in Britain! Zoo Season 1 Episode 11: Eats, Shoots and Leaves Summary: When Jackson is injured after a run-in with the rebels in Zambia, the team rushes him to a hospital in … Unlikely. Barbarella. Relevance. So a “period” is a “full stop,” etc. ISBN 1-592-40087-6 A best-selling book on punctuation? Compare it to what? The text that this essay will be analyzing is the book entitled ‘Eats Shoots & Leaves’ by Lynn Truss. Answer Save. Gotham Books, 2003, 209 pp. You have to see the cover: a panda walking away with a smoking gun. Learning with Eats, Shoots & Leaves.